Past People in CfD

The Center for Detectors designs, develops, and implements detectors to enable scientific discoveries.

View Present People

Portrait of Spencer Monette

Spencer Monette, Undergraduate Researcher, Microelectronics Engineering

Portrait of Kato Bouthsarath

Kato Bouthsarath, Graduate Researcher, Computer Engineering Technology and Computer Science

Portrait of Emerson Ostrander

Emerson Ostrander, Undergraduate Researcher, Mechanical Engineering

Portrait of Aditya Kinjawadekar

Aditya Kinjawadekar, PhD Researcher, Imaging Science
Degree(s): BE Electronics & Telecommunication, 2023, Savitribai Phule Pune University

Portrait of Dale Mercado, Research Assistant III

Dale Mercado, Research Assistant III
Degree(s): 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology, MS Astrophysical Sciences and Technology; BS Physics, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nicolas McMahon, PhD Researcher

Nicolas McMahon, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): BA Astronomy & Physics, 2024, Boston University

Portrait of Benjamin Hartman-Seeskin, Undergraduate Researcher

Benjamin Hartman-Seeskin, Undergraduate Researcher, Physics

Portrait of Dylan Filosa, Graduate Researcher

Dylan Filosa, Graduate Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Portrait of Blaine Hewitt, Undergraduate Researcher

Blaine Hewitt, Undergraduate Researcher, Physics

Portrait of Cynthia Tibberts, Undergraduate Researcher

Cynthia Tibberts, Undergraduate Researcher, Mechanical Engineering

Portrait of Ross Janezic, MS Researcher

Ross Janezic, MS Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Portrait of Max Thoburn, MS Researcher

Max Thoburn, MS Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Portrait of Nicole Wongk, MS Researcher

Nicole Wongk, MS Researcher, Microelectronics Engineering
Degree(s): BS Chemical Engineering, 2015, University of Southern California

Portrait of Quan Quy, Undergraduate Researcher, Computer Science

Quan Quy, Undergraduate Researcher, Computer Science

Portrait of John Cruise, Undergraduate Researcher, Physics

John Cruise, Undergraduate Researcher, Physics

Portrait of Laura Armellino, MS Researcher, Microelectronic Engineering and Material Science

Laura Armellino, MS Researcher, Microelectronic Engineering and Material Science

Portrait of Bryan Melanson, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering

Bryan Melanson, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, University of Washington

Portrait of Gregory Howland, Assistant Professor

Gregory Howland, Assistant Professor

Portrait of Dustin Grant, Undergraduate Researcher, BS/MS Electrical Engineering

Dustin Grant, Undergraduate Researcher, BS/MS Electrical Engineering

Portrait of Fiona Hufford, Capstone Researcher, Physics

Fiona Hufford, Capstone Researcher, Physics

Portrait of Hiroto Takeuchi, Administrative Assistant, Software Engineering

Hiroto Takeuchi, Administrative Assistant, Software Engineering

Portrait of Eric Thornton, MS Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Eric Thornton, MS Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Portrait of Vincent Fittos, Undergraduate Researcher, Physics

Vincent Fittos, Undergraduate Researcher, Physics

Portrait of Martina Alvez, Administrative Assistant, Industrial Engineering

Martina Alvez, Administrative Assistant, Industrial Engineering

Portrait of Joseph Monteleone III, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering

Joseph Monteleone III, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Eli Leclaire, Undergraduate Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Eli Leclaire, Undergraduate Researcher, Electrical Engineering
Degree(s): AS Laser Electro-Optic Technology, 2014, Springfield Technical Community College; AS Engineering Science, 2020, Greenfield Community College

Portrait of Jacob Bartholomew, Undergraduate Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Jacob Bartholomew, Undergraduate Researcher, Electrical Engineering
Degree(s): AS Engineering Science, 2021, SUNY Adirondack

Portrait of Alexander Yovanovich, Research Assistant

Alexander Yovanovich, Research Assistant,
Degree(s): MS Materials Science and Engineering, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Microelectronic Engineering, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Alireza Abrand, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering

Alireza Abrand, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): MS Physics, 2014, Lund University, Sweden; BS Solid State Physics, 2010, University of Guilan

Portrait of Joseph Miron, Administrative Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Technology

Joseph Miron, Administrative Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Technology

Portrait of Riley Kranick, Executive Assistant, Biomedical Engineering

Riley Kranick, Executive Assistant, Biomedical Engineering

Portrait of Ethan Adkins, Graduate Researcher, Physics

Ethan Adkins, Graduate Researcher, Physics

Portrait of Ben Gebhardt, Undergraduate Researcher, Computer Science

Ben Gebhardt, Undergraduate Researcher, Computer Science

Portrait of Teresa Luo, Undergraduate Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Teresa Luo, Undergraduate Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Portrait of Sophia Garcia, Undergraduate Researcher, Physics and Astronomy

Sophia Garcia, Undergraduate Researcher, Physics and Astronomy

Portrait of Alec Paul, MS Researcher, Computer Engineering

Alec Paul, MS Researcher, Computer Engineering

Portrait of Benjamin Vaughan, MS Researcher, Astrophysics

Benjamin Vaughan, MS Researcher, Astrophysics
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology; MS Astrophysics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Matthew van Niekerk, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering

Matthew van Niekerk, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Physics, Mathematics, 2017, Roberts Wesleyan College; PhD Microsystems Engineering, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Sonny Tofani, Undergraduate Researcher

Sonny Tofani, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Matthew Klein, Graduate Researcher

Matthew Klein, Graduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Computer Engineering, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Olivia Sipple, Capstone Student

Olivia Sipple, Capstone Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of William Wright, Undergraduate Researcher

William Wright, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2024, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Joey Streib, Undergraduate Researcher

Joey Streib, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2020, MS Electrical Engineering, 2025, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Victoria Butler, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Victoria Butler, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): BS Applied Physics, 2016, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Portrait of Brandon Turner, REU Student

Brandon Turner, REU Student
Degree(s): AS in Mathematics and Physics, 2021, Mercer County Community College, B.S. in Physics, 2024, Rutgers - New Brunswick

Portrait of Alexander Fairchild, Undergraduate Researcher, Electrical Engineering

Alexander Fairchild, Undergraduate Researcher, Electrical Engineering
Degree(s): AS Music Recording Technology, 2016, Finger Lakes Community College, AS Engineering Science, 2019, Monroe Community College, BC Microelectronic Engineering, 2024, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jacob Sharp, Undergraduate Researcher

Jacob Sharp, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2025, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Serena Tramm, MS Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Serena Tramm, MS Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, 2020, Bucknell University, MS Astrophysical Sciences and Technology, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Teresa Symons, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Teresa Symons, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): MS Computational Physics and Astronomy, 2017, University of Kansas; BS Space Physics, 2014, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, PhD Astrophysical Sciences and Technology, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Grace Brown-Smolensky, REU Student

Grace Brown-Smolensky, REU Student
Degree(s): AS Engineering Science 2023, Greenfield Community College.

Portrait of Kristen Cain, Executive Assistant

Kristen Cain, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Business Administration, 2021, Medaille College

Portrait of Michaela Cohen, Undergraduate Researcher

Michaela Cohen, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Physics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jess Sides, Capstone Research Student

Jess Sides, Capstone Research Student
Degree(s): BS Physics & Psychology, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Cam Payne, Capstone Research Student

Cam Payne, Capstone Research Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Sami Znati, PhD Researcher

Sami Znati, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): PhD Microsystems Engineering, 2024, Rochester Institute of Technology
PhD Oncology, 2020, UCL; BS Chemistry, 2014, Northeastern University

Portrait of Caleb Greenberg, Undergraduate Researcher

Caleb Greenberg, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Brendan Murphy, Undergraduate Researcher

Brendan Murphy, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jake Downie, Undergraduate Researcher

Jake Downie, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering, 2025, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Tyler Ronnenberg, Capstone Research Student

Tyler Ronnenberg, Capstone Research Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Clare Scroger, Capstone Research Student

Clare Scroger, Capstone Research Student
Degree(s): BS/MS Physics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Lily McKenna, Undergraduate Researcher

Lily McKenna, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jason Ziskind, MS Student

Jason Ziskind, MS Student
Degree(s): BS/MS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Dulany Elliott, Undergraduate Researcher

Dulany Elliott, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics and Computer Science, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Chamithri Adikarige, MS Researcher

Chamithri Adikarige, MS Researcher, Physics
Degree(s): BS Physics and Astronomy, 2019, Washington State University

Portrait of Alex Zades, Capstone Research Student

Alex Zades, Capstone Research Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Dana Eschler, Undergraduate Researcher

Dana Eschler, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/ME Mechanical Engineering, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Justin Silva, Undergraduate Researcher

Justin Silva, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Mechanical Engineering, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Mridhula Sreekumar, Undergraduate Researcher

Mridhula Sreekumar, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Benjamin Dodds, Undergraduate Researcher

Benjamin Dodds, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Robyn Rosechandler, Senior Staff Assistant

Robyn Rosechandler, Senior Staff Assistant, Future Photon Initiative
Degree(s): BS Mass Communications, 2013, Black Hills State University

Portrait of Kyle Tezanos, MS Student

Kyle Tezanos, MS Student
Degree(s): MS Materials Science & Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Biochemistry, 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Hector Rubio Rivera, PhD Researcher

Hector Rubio Rivera, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): MS Microelectronics Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Electronics Engineering, 2016, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California

Portrait of Vijay Soorya Shunmuga Sundaram, PhD Researcher

Vijay Soorya Shunmuga Sundaram, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): MS Physics, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology; BTech Aerospace Engineering, 2018, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Portrait of Mike Ortiz, MS Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Mike Ortiz, MS Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): MS Astrophysics, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Lexi Irwin, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Lexi Irwin, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): MS Imaging Science, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Applied Physics, 2018, SUNY Geneseo

Portrait of Kathleen Oram, PhD Researcher, Imaging Science

Kathleen Oram, PhD Researcher, Imaging Science
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2015, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Portrait of Max Lipitz, Senior Project Researcher

Max Lipitz, Senior Project Researcher
Degree(s): BS Imaging Science, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Long Nguyen, Undergraduate Researcher

Long Nguyen, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Irfan Punekar, PhD Researcher

Irfan Punekar, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Computer Engineering, 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Kayleigh Patterson, Executive Assistant

Kayleigh Patterson, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nicholas Salazar, Executive Assistant

Nicholas Salazar, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Management Information Systems, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of John Serafini, Postdoctoral Fellow

John Serafini, Postdoctoral Fellow
Degree(s): PhD Physics, 2016, University of Rochester; BS Biochemistry, 2008, University of Rochester

Portrait of Reid Kovacs, Undergraduate Researcher

Reid Kovacs, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Priyadarshini Bangale, Postdoctoral Fellow

Priyadarshini Bangale, Postdoctoral Fellow
Degree(s): PhD Physics, 2019, Ludwig Maximilian University and Max-Planck Institute for Physics; MS Radio and Space Science, 2011, Chalmers University of Technology; BS Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, 2007, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University

Portrait of Jason Kaye, Mechanical Engineer Co-Op

Jason Kaye, Mechanical Engineer Co-Op
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering Technology, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Lucas Berens, Undergraduate Researcher

Lucas Berens, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Dennis Houlihan, Undergraduate Researcher

Dennis Houlihan, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Gregory Bond, Undergraduate Researcher

Gregory Bond, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Chemical Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Vijaygopal Thirupakuzi Vangipuram, PhD Researcher

Vijaygopal Thirupakuzi Vangipuram, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Microelectronic Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Matthew Hartensveld, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering

Matthew Hartensveld, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS/MS Microelectronic Engineering, Material Science, 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nash Flint, Undergraduate Researcher

Nash Flint, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jon King, Undergraduate Researcher

Jon King, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Justin Baba, Capstone Research Student

Justin Baba, Capstone Research Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Chi Nguyen, PhD Researcher in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Chi Nguyen, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): BS Astronomy, 2015, University of Arizona

Portrait of Randy Kennard, Packaging Technician

Randy Kennard, Packaging Technician
Degree(s): AAS Mechanical Technology, 1995, Finger Lakes Community College

Portrait of Misty Zheng, Executive Assistant

Misty Zheng, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS, Applied Arts and Sciences, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jake Butler, Co-op Researcher

Jake Butler, Co-op Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Tommy Nicholas, Undergraduate Researcher

Tommy Nicholas, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Anthony Mazur, Undergraduate Researcher

Anthony Mazur, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Liza Matrecito, PhD Researcher in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Liza Matrecito, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): MS Astrophysical Sciences and Technology, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Physics and Astronomy, 2018, Northern Arizona University

Portrait of Emily Temple, Executive Assistant

Emily Temple, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Breonna Cosgrove, Executive Assistant

Breonna Cosgrove, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BFA Graphic Design, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Kevin Gates, Undergraduate Researcher

Kevin Gates, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Scott Mann, Undergraduate Researcher

Scott Mann, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Mohadeseh Baboli, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Mohadeseh Baboli, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2010, Babol Institute of Technology, Iran

Portrait of Jorge Wang, Undergraduate Researcher

Jorge Wang, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Mark Nash, Undergraduate Researcher

Mark Nash, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Computer Science, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Thomas Wilhelm, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Thomas Wilhelm, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2011, Calvin College

Portrait of Michael Fanto, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Michael Fanto, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2002, Utica College of Syracuse University

Portrait of Elizabeth Kuhlman, Undergraduate Researcher

Elizabeth Kuhlman, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jacob Poirier, Capstone Research Student

Jacob Poirier, Capstone Research Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Peichuan Yin, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Peichuan Yin, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Margaret Cruz, Undergraduate Researcher

Margaret Cruz, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): ME Mechanical Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Psychology, 2011, University of California, Davis

Portrait of James Parkus, Undergraduate Researcher

James Parkus, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Christian Pape, Undergraduate Researcher

Christian Pape, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Cheng Liu, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Cheng Liu, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2013, Wuhan University, China

Portrait of Ashleigh Hunt, Executive Assistant

Ashleigh Hunt, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Microelectronic Engineering, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Matthew Peeks, Executive Assistant

Matthew Peeks, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Chemical Engineering, 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Shaina Thayer, Undergraduate Researcher

Shaina Thayer, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Michael Kha, Undergraduate Researcher

Michael Kha, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Software Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of David Starling, Visiting Associate Professor at PennState - Hazleton

David Starling, Visiting Associate Professor (PennState - Hazleton)
Degree(s): PhD Physics, 2012, University of Rochester; MS Physics, 2008, University of Rochester; BS Physics and Mathematics, 2006, State University of New York at Fredonia

Portrait of Gabrielle Picher, Undergraduate Researcher

Gabrielle Picher, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jodi-Ann Morgan, Undergraduate Researcher

Jodi-Ann Morgan, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering Technology, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Garrett Delang, Undergraduate Researcher

Garrett Delang, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Matthew Licitra, Undergraduate Researcher

Matthew Licitra, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Bobo Gao, Undergraduate Researcher

Bobo Gao, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Rohan Patil, Undergraduate Researcher

Rohan Patil, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Alyssa Phothisen, Undergraduate Researcher

Alyssa Phothisen, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Paul Thomas, Postdoctoral Fellow

Paul Thomas, Postdoctoral Fellow
Degree(s): PhD Microsystems Engineering, May 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Yu Kee Ooi, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Yu Kee Ooi, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BEng Computer Engineering, May 2011, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Portrait of Anton Travinsky, PhD Researcher

Anton Travinsky, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Israel; MS Electrical Engineering, WRTH Aachen University, Germany

Portrait of Bryce Tennant, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Bryce Tennant, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): MSEE Electrical Engineering focus Signal Processing, 2004, Rochester Institute of Technology; BSEE Electrical Engineering, 1997, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Valerie Fleischauer, Lab Technician

Valerie Fleischauer, Lab Technician
Degree(s): PhD Chemistry, 2019, University of Rochester; BA Chemistry, 2013, SUNY Buffalo State

Portrait of Shreya Patel, Undergraduate Researcher

Shreya Patel, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Rhys D'Souza, Undergraduate Researcher

Rhys D'Souza, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Russell Cobb, Undergraduate Researcher

Russell Cobb, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Sidney Davis, Undergraduate Researcher

Sidney Davis, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering with Robotics, May 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of John McCormick, Undergraduate Researcher

John McCormick, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, May 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Matthew Segada, Undergraduate Researcher

Matthew Segada, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering with Computer Engineering, May 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Owen Shriver, Undergraduate Researcher

Owen Shriver, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Science, May 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Hazel Goleman, REU Student Undergraduate Researcher

Hazel Goleman, REU Student Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Engineering, May 2020, Greenfield Community College

Portrait of Katherine Seery, PhD Researcher in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Katherine Seery, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): BA Physics and Mathematics, May 2014, Alfred University

Portrait of Jeffrey Steidle, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Jeffrey Steidle, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2014, State University of New York at Geneseo

Portrait of Amalachukwu Anene, Undergraduate Researcher

Amalachukwu Anene, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Austin Ford, Undergraduate Researcher

Austin Ford, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Game Design and Development, 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Andrew Min, Undergraduate Researcher

Andrew Min, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Game Design and Development, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Peter Miller, Undergraduate Researcher

Peter Miller, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Anthony Copeland, Undergraduate Researcher

Anthony Copeland, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, May 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Irfan Punekar, Co-Op Computer Engineer with Precision Optical

Irfan Punekar, Co-Op Computer Engineer with Precision Optical
Degree(s): BS/MS Computer Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Isaac Witlin, Undergraduate Researcher

Isaac Witlin, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, Spring 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Adam Taylor, Undergraduate Researcher

Adam Taylor, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Alex Kneipp, Undergraduate Researcher

Alex Kneipp, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Science, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Will Savage, Undergraduate Researcher

Will Savage, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Science, May 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Sean Wisnewski, Undergraduate Researcher

Sean Wisnewski, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Computer Science, May 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Deon Van Gorsel, Undergraduate Researcher

Deon Van Gorsel, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Imaging Science, May 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Keegan Evans, Undergraduate Researcher

Keegan Evans, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2021, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Thomas Benedett, Senior Systems Engineer

Thomas Benedett, Senior Systems Engineer
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 1984, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Md Ibrahim Khalil, PhD Researcher

Md Ibrahim Khalil, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2010, Islamic University of Technology, MS Optics and Photonics, 2014, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Portrait of Dmitry Vorobiev, PhD in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Dmitry Vorobiev, PhD, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): BS Astrophysics, University of New Mexico.

Portrait of Jack Horowitz, MS Researcher

Jack Horowitz, MS Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, May 2013, Sonoma State University

Portrait of Christopher O'Connell, MS Researcher

Christopher O'Connell, MS Researcher
Degree(s): Microelectronic Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Sanjna Lakshminarayanamurthy, MS Researcher

Sanjna Lakshminarayanamurthy, MS Researcher
Degree(s): Microelectronic Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Kevan Donlon, PhD Researcher in Imaging Science

Kevan Donlon, PhD Researcher, Imaging Science
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2012, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Portrait of Ian Kecskes, Undergraduate Researcher

Ian Kecskes, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, Rochester Institute Of Technology

Portrait of Amy Florio, Undergraduate Researcher

Amy Florio, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, Rochester Institute Of Technology

Portrait of Zihao Wang, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Zihao Wang, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): BS Opto-electronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Portrait of Vanessa Yan, Co-op Researcher

Vanessa Yan, Co-op Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Science, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Auralia Derhark, Undergraduate Researcher

Auralia Derhark, Undergraduate Researcher, Fast Forward Program
Degree(s): BS/MS Physics, 2026, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Ryan Kavanagh, Undergraduate Researcher

Ryan Kavanagh, Undergraduate Researcher, Fast Forward Program
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Sean Rogerson, Undergraduate Researcher

Sean Rogerson, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, 2020

Portrait of Allison Crim, Undergraduate Researcher

Allison Crim, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, December 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Reed Terdal, Undergraduate Researcher

Reed Terdal, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, May 2022, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Thomas Cauvel, Undergraduate Researcher

Thomas Cauvel, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jacob Watts-St. Germain, Undergraduate Researcher

Jacob Watts-St. Germain, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, Spring 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Megan McKendry, Undergraduate Researcher

Megan McKendry, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, Spring 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Eric Cooper, Undergraduate Researcher

Eric Cooper, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, Spring 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Paul Giovannetti, Undergraduate Researcher

Paul Giovannetti, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, Spring 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Anant Mehrotra, Undergraduate Researcher

Anant Mehrotra, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, Spring 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Roberto Rico, Undergraduate Researcher

Roberto Rico, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, Spring 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Mark Leal, REU Student

Mark Leal, REU Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2019, University of California, Santa Barbara

Portrait of Kevin Watson, REU Student

Kevin Watson, REU Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, 2019, University of California, Santa Barbara, AA Physics, 2016, De Anza College

Portrait of Sean Scannell, Undergraduate Researcher

Sean Scannell, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Motion Picture Science, 2019

Portrait of Hadley Santana Queiroz, REU Student

Hadley Santana Queiroz, REU Student
Degree(s): BS Physics and Math, 2020, Trinity College

Portrait of Stefanie Venuto, REU Student

Stefanie Venuto, REU Student
Degree(s): BS Computer Science and Physics, 2020, SUNY New Paltz

Portrait of Ben Stewart, Undergraduate Researcher

Ben Stewart, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of James Godzwan, Undergraduate Researcher

James Godzwan, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nate Tiberio, Undergraduate Researcher

Nate Tiberio, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Dominic Oddo, REU Student

Dominic Oddo, REU Student
Degree(s): BS Physics with secondary Astronomy, 2020, Case Western Reserve University

Portrait of HanSoo Lee, Software Engineer

HanSoo Lee, Software Engineer
Degree(s): BS Game Design and Development, 2019

Portrait of Bryan Fodness, MS Researcher

Bryan Fodness, MS Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, May 1999, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Portrait of Ambar de Santiago, Undergraduate Researcher

Ambar de Santiago, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Imaging Science and Applied Math, 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nate Rummage, Undergraduate Researcher

Nate Rummage, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Arturo Kuang, Undergraduate Researcher

Arturo Kuang, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Game Design and Development, 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Erin Reilly, Executive Assistant

Erin Reilly, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Chemical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Stefani Schultz, Executive Assistant

Stefani Schultz, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): Interior Design, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Joong Lee, Engineer

Joong Lee, Engineer
Degree(s): PhD Physics, 2007, UCLA; BS Physics, 1998, UC Berkeley.

Portrait of Nilay Mokashi, M.S. Student Researcher

Nilay Mokashi, M.S. Student Researcher
Degree(s): BE Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, 2016, Pune Institute of Computer Technology

Portrait of Anthony Palumbo, Undergraduate Researcher

Anthony Palumbo, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Software Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Justin Beigel, Co-op Researcher Programmer

Justin Beigel, Co-op Researcher Programmer
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, 2020, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Kevin Kruse, Undergraduate Researcher

Kevin Kruse, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Electrical Engineering, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Poppy Immel, Undergraduate Researcher

Poppy Immel, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Dual Degree Computational Mathematics and Computer Science, December 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nicholas Bitten, Undergraduate Researcher

Nicholas Bitten, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Suvam Bag, Software Developer

Suvam Bag, Software Developer
Degree(s): MS Computer Engineering, December 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Philip Linden, Undergraduate Researcher

Philip Linden, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/ME Mechanical Engineering, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Dwayne Thomson, Executive Assistant

Dwayne Thomson, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Management Information Systems, May 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nina Wilson, Executive Assistant

Nina Wilson, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS International and Global Studies & Anthropology, May 2019, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Hyun Won, Executive Assistant

Hyun Won, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS International Business, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Brandon Hanold, Engineer

Brandon Hanold, Engineer
Degree(s): BS Astrophysics, 2006, Michigan State University.

Portrait of Kenton Weigold, Software Architect

Kenton Weigold, Software Architect
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering, 2007, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Daniel Zsenits, High School Undergraduate Researcher

Daniel Zsenits, High School Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): High School Graduate, June 2018, Fairport High School

Portrait of Benjamin Bondor, Undergraduate Researcher

Benjamin Bondor, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Kevin Moser, Student Programmer

Kevin Moser, Student Programmer
Degree(s): BS Imaging Science, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Analia Briceno, Executive Assistant

Analia Briceno, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Industrial Design, May 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Sourabh Kulhare, Software Developer

Sourabh Kulhare, Software Developer
Degree(s):MS Computer Engineering, December 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Ryan Scott, Capstone Research Student

Ryan Scott, Capstone Research Student
Degree(s): BS Physics, May 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Michael Potter, Undergraduate Researcher

Michael Potter, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): MS Computer Science, August 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Computational Mathematics, May 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Biomedical Engineering, May 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Emily Holz, Undergraduate Researcher

Emily Holz, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Biomedical Engineering, May 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Kyle Hunkar, Undergraduate Researcher

Kyle Hunkar, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jason Patel, Undergraduate Researcher

Jason Patel, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Lindsay Demblowski, Undergraduate Researcher

Lindsay Demblowski, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Biomedical Engineering, May 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Aravind Warrier, Undergraduate Researcher

Aravind Warrier, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computer Science and Engineering, May 2012, College of Engineering Trivandrum

Portrait of Gilford Fernandes, Undergraduate Researcher

Gilford Fernandes, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electronics and Telecommunication, May 2013, Goa University

Portrait of Eric May, Executive Assistant

Eric May, Executive Assistant

Portrait of Melissa McNulty, Executive Assistant

Melissa McNulty, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Chemical Engineering, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Ariel Reid, Executive Assistant

Ariel Reid, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering Technology, December 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Neil Guertin, Undergraduate Researcher

Neil Guertin, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Computational Mathematics and Computer Science, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Tre DiPassio, Undergraduate Researcher

Tre DiPassio, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): Dual Degree BS/MS Electrical Engineering, May 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of John Hatakeyama, Undergraduate Researcher

John Hatakeyama, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Liang Cao, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Liang Cao, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): MS Optical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology; BS Optoelectronic Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Portrait of Abdelsalam Aboketaf, PhD Researcher in Microsystems Engineering

Abdelsalam Aboketaf, PhD Researcher, Microsystems Engineering
Degree(s): MS Electrical Engineering, 2009, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Electrical Engineering, Alfatech University, Libya

Portrait of Kirk Winans, Executive Assistant

Kirk Winans, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): MS Communication and Media Technologies, 2016; Adv. Certificate Applied Statistics, May 2016; MS Science, Technology, and Public Policy, May 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology BS Political Science/Computer Science, June 2012, Union College

Portrait of Kim Kolb, PhD Researcher

Kim Kolb, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): PhD Imaging Science, May 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Microelectronic Engineering, 2008, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Kenneth Bean, Undergraduate Researcher

Kenneth Bean, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BA Mechanical Engineering, May 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Alexa Martinez, Designer

Alexa Martinez, Designer
Degree(s): B.F.A. New Media Design, 2015, Rochester Institution of Technology

Portrait of Jamie Martinez, Designer

Jamie Martinez, Designer
Degree(s): B.F.A. New Media Design, 2015, Rochester Institution of Technology

Portrait of Iain Marcuson, Software Engineer

Iain Marcuson, Software Engineer
Degree(s): MS Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012, University of Rochester

Portrait of Keith Leung, Co-op/Undergraduate Researcher

Keith Leung, Co-op/Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): Dual Degree BS/MS Electrical Engineering, May 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Yuanhao Zhang, MS Researcher in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Yuanhao Zhang, MS Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): BE Applied Physics, East China University of Science and Technology.

Portrait of John Leavitt, Executive Assistant

John Leavitt, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): B.F.A. Industrial Design, 2014, Rochester Institute of Technology.
A.AS Graphic Design, 2011, Onondaga Community College

Portrait of Aye Yi Chan, Executive Assistant

Aye Yi Chan, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Accounting, June 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology; AS Business Administration, May 2015, Monroe Community College

Portrait of Ross Robinson, PhD Researcher

Ross Robinson, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): PhD Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Allison Conte, Executive Assistant

Allison Conte, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): Expected B.F.A. Graphic Design, 2014, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Kenny Fourspring, PhD Researcher

Kenny Fourspring, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): PhD Imaging Science, 2013, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Kamal Jnawali, PhD Researcher in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Kamal Jnawali, PhD Researcher, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): MS Physics, Thribhuvan University, Nepal

Portrait of Michael Every, Undergraduate Researcher

Michael Every, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Physics, May 2014 Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Evan Signor, Undergraduate Researcher

Evan Signor, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Mechanical Engineering Technology, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nicole Lantonio, Executive Assistant

Nicole Lantonio, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): Mechanical Engineering Technology, 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Michael Shaw, Undergraduate Researcher

Michael Shaw, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering Technology, May 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Anastasia Rzhevskaya, Executive Assistant

Anastasia Rzhevskaya, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS New Media Marketing, May 2014 Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jonathan Zimmermann, Undergraduate Researcher

Jonathan Zimmermann, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2015 Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Zachary Mink, Undergraduate Researcher

Zachary Mink, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BA Electrical Engineering, May 2014, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Grace Walker, Executive Assistant

Grace Walker, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Dan Grant, Engineer

Dan Grant, Engineer
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering Technology, 2008, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Matt Davis, Undergraduate Researcher

Matt Davis, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): Expected MS Electrical Engineering, 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology; J.D., 2009, Albany Law School; BS Biochemistry, 2006, University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Portrait of Christine Trombley, PhD in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Christine Trombley, PhD, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Degree(s): BS Astrophysics and Physics, 2007, Michigan State University; PhD Astrophysics, 2013, Rochester Institute of Techonology.

Portrait of Tom Montagliano, Engineer

Tom Montagliano, Engineer
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering Technology, 2004, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Evan Jorgensen, Undergraduate Researcher

Evan Jorgensen, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): Expected BS Microelectronic Engineering, 2013, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Placeholder image for Caitlin Mucenski, Executive Assistant

Caitlin Mucenski, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BFA Medical Illustration, May 2013 Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Matthew Krause, Executive Assistant

Matthew Krause, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Hospitality and Service Mangement 2014, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Katelyn Pease, Executive Assistant

Katelyn Pease, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): Expected BS Management Information Systems, 2014, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Adena Thomson, Executive Assistant

Adena Thomson, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): MS Accounting, February 2013, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Brian Glod, Engineer

Brian Glod, Engineer
Degree(s): MS Electrical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2012;BS Computer Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010

Portrait of Elishia Ortiz, Executive Assistant

Elishia Ortiz, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS New Media Marketing, 2012, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Diego de la Fuente, Visiting PhD Researcher

Diego de la Fuente, Visiting PhD Researcher
Degree(s): MS Astrophysics, 2011, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; BS Physics, 2009, Universidad de La Laguna

Portrait of Tom Praderio, Undergraduate Researcher

Tom Praderio, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2012, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Morgan DeLuca, Executive Assistant

Morgan DeLuca, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS/MS Mechanical Engineering, May 2013, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of John Frye, Firmware Engineer

John Frye, Firmware Engineer
Degree(s): MS Computer Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2011

Portrait of Heather Baxter, Executive Assistant

Heather Baxter, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Advertising and Public Relations, August 2012 Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of John Breese, Undergraduate Researcher

John Breese, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS/MS Computer Engineering, May 2013, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Chris Maloney, Senior Design Project Student

Chris Maloney, Senior Design Project Student
Degree(s): PhD Microsystems Engineering, 2015, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Microelectronic Engineering, 2011, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Physics, 2011, Roberts Wesleyan College

Portrait of Matthew Simpson, Lab Technician

Matthew Simpson, Lab Technician
Degree(s): BS Biotechnology, Jan. 2011, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Don Stauffer, Engineer

Don Stauffer, Engineer
Degree(s): BA Economics, 1991, Colby College. BSE.E. Electrical Engineering, 1998, University of Utah.

Portrait of Brian Ashe, Engineer

Brian Ashe, Engineer
Degree(s): BS Chemistry, 1994, Nazareth College. MS Material Science and Engineering, 1999, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Chris Shea, MS Researcher

Chris Shea, MS Researcher
Degree(s): BS Microelectronic Engineering with a Minor in Electrical Engineering, 2009, Masters Microelectronic Engineering (2011), Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Andrew Komendat, Mechanical Engineering Student Technician

Andrew Komendat, Mechanical Engineering Student Technician
Degree(s): BS Mechanical Engineering, May 2012, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Ben Davies, Assistant Research Scientist

Ben Davies, Assistant Research Scientist
Degree(s): PhD Astrophysics, University of Leeds; MS Physics, 2003; University of Leeds;
BA Physics with Astrophysics, 2003, University of Leeds

Portrait of Max Bobrov, Firmware Engineer

Max Bobrov, Firmware Engineer
Degree(s): BS/MS Computer Engineering, May, 2010 Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Sungsoo Kim, Visiting Professor

Sungsoo Kim, Visiting Professor
Degree(s): PhD Astronomy, 2000, UCLA; BS Astronomy & Space Science, 1992, Kyunghee University

Portrait of Maria Messineo, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Maria Messineo, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Degree(s): PhD, 2004, Leiden University; MS Astronomy, 1997, Bologna University

Portrait of Stephanie Sublett, Lab Technician

Stephanie Sublett, Lab Technician
Degree(s): PhD Physics, M.A. Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester;
BA Astrophysics, University of California at Berkeley

Portrait of Zoltan Makai, Data Analyst

Zoltan Makai, Data Analyst
Degree(s): MS Astronomy, 2006, University of Szeged;
BS Physics, 2004, University of Szeged

Portrait of Qingfeng Zhu, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Qingfeng Zhu, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Degree(s): PhD Astrophysics,2006, University of Texas; MS Astrophysics 1999,
University of Science and Technology of China; BS Physics, University of Science and Technology of China

Portrait of Dan Pontillo, PhD Researcher: Software Programmer

Dan Pontillo, PhD Researcher: Software Programmer
Degree(s): BS Computer Engineering, BS Undergraduate Researcherational Studies, 2008, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Nicolas Cox, Co-op

Nicolas Cox, Co-op
Degree(s): BS Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2009

Portrait of Jorge Rangel, PhD Researcher

Jorge Rangel, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): MS Microelectronics, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2009

Portrait of Alisea Evans, Student Technician Assistant

Alisea Evans, Student Technician Assistant
Degree(s): BS Civil Engineering Technology, May 2012, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Susan Cook, RIDL Group Assistant

Susan Cook, RIDL Group Assistant
Degree(s): BS Graphic Design, May 2009, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Young Sam Yu, PhD Researcher

Young Sam Yu, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): Current, PhD Researcher Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology; MS Astronomy, 2003, Seoul National University, Korea
BS Astronomy and Space Science, 2000, Chungnam National University, Korea

Portrait of Lucy Hadfield, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Lucy Hadfield, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Degree(s): PhD Astrophysics, 2006, The University of Sheffield;
MS Physics, MS Astronomy, 2003, The University of Sheffield

Portrait of Nonu Singh, Undergraduate Researcher

Nonu Singh, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): MS Microelectronics, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2009, BE Electronics & Telecommunication, 2006, G.G.S.I.P. University, Delhi, India

Portrait of Linpeng Cheng, PhD Researcher

Linpeng Cheng, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): MS Astrophysics, 2002, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
BS Astronomy, 1999, Beijing Normal University

Portrait of Tarun Parmar, MS Researcher

Tarun Parmar, MS Researcher
Degree(s): MS Microelectronics, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2009, BE Electronics & Telecommunication, 2008, Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College

Portrait of Tiffany Magri, Assistant

Tiffany Magri, Assistant
Degree(s): MBA, 2007, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Marketing, University of Southern Indiana

Portrait of Alan Johnson, Coordinator of Administrative Operations

Alan Johnson, Coordinator of Administrative Operations
Degree(s): MBA, 2007, Rochester Institute of Technology; BA World Languages and Cultures;
BA Political Science, Mercyhurst College

Portrait of Katie Palermo, Graphic Designer

Katie Palermo, Graphic Designer
Degree(s): BA Fine Arts, 2007, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Dan Kerr, Technician

Dan Kerr, Technician
Degree(s): M.A. Physics, 2003, Stony Brook University; B.Sc. Physics, 1999, University of Albany

Portrait of Divya Nadig, PhD Researcher

Divya Nadig, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): BE Printing Technology B.MS College of Engineering
Bangalore Vishveshwaraya Technological University, Belgaum.

Portrait of Namitha Benjamin, PhD Researcher

Namitha Benjamin, PhD Researcher
Degree(s): BE Telecommunications MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology,
Bangalore Vishveshwaraya Technological University, Belgaum.

Portrait of Heather Andersen, Executive Assistant

Heather Andersen, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): MBA, 2007, Rochester Institute of Technology; BA Undergraduate Researcherational Studies, BA German 2004, Allegheny College

Portrait of Hitesh Gadi, Website Developer

Hitesh Gadi, Website Developer
Degree(s): MS Computer Science, 2006, Rochester Institute of Technology; BS Technology, 2003, GND University

Portrait of Gustavo Rahmer, MS Researcher

Gustavo Rahmer, MS Researcher
Degree(s): Civil Electronics Engineer, 1994. BS Electronic Engineering Sciences, 1991, Universidad Santa Maria, Chile, MS Imaging Sciences, 2009, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Portrait of Dan Smialek, Coordinator of Administrative Laboratory Operations

Dan Smialek, Coordinator of Administrative Laboratory Operations
Degree(s): BS Business Administration, 1974,
MS Applied & Mathematical Statistics, 1986, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of Jingjing Zhang, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Jingjing Zhang, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Degree(s): PhD Electrical Engineering, 2006, University of Rochester; PhD Optical Engineering, 2000,
Beijing Institute of Technology; MS Electrical Engineering, 2002, University of Rochester;
BS Optical Electronics, 1995, Beijing Institute of Technology

Portrait of Anthony Ethangatta, Executive Assistant

Anthony Ethangatta, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Management Information Systems, 2008, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of John Coughlian, Software Administrator

John Coughlian, Software Administrator

Portrait of Lance Simms, Guest Researcher

Lance Simms, Guest Researcher
Degree(s): PhD Applied Physics, 2008, Stanford; MS Applied Physics, 2006, Stanford; BS Physics, 2003, UCSB

Placeholder image for Trisha Basset, Executive Assistant

Trisha Basset, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Media Arts and Technology, May 2012, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of John Hill, Undergraduate Researcher

John Hill, Undergraduate Researcher
Degree(s): BS Electrical Engineering, May 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology

Portrait of David Carmel, Executive Assistant

David Carmel, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Accounting, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology; AS Business Administration, December 2014, Monroe Community College

Portrait of Jetta Rackleff, Executive Assistant

Jetta Rackleff, Executive Assistant
Degree(s): BS Chemical Engineering, May 2017, Rochester Institute of Technology