
The Center for Detectors designs, develops, and implements detectors to enable scientific discoveries.


September, 2024

RIT receives $3.97 million award to improve quantum system networking initiatives

August, 2024

Inside ‘Upwards’ at RIT; an international semiconductor education exchange program

RIT receives $3 million grant to train grad students

NSF awards RIT nearly $3 million to advance semiconductor technologies

July, 2024

RIT expands its workforce initiatives for the semiconductor industry

RIT partners awarded $40 million to boost the semiconductor industry across the region and nation

NY SMART-I Corridor gets $40 million in federal funds

June, 2024

Ph.D. student is lead author on paper published on cover of 'Optica Quantum'

February, 2024

NASA, RIT Center for Detectors partner to help future spacecraft survive longer, harsher missions

RIT's Center for Detectors to work on two NASA projects


September, 2023

Rochester Hosts Industry-leading Integrated Photonics Test and Packaging Workshop

August, 2023

Seeing the full picture with line-intensity mapping

Campus Spotlight- Photonic Integrated Circuits: Testing and Packaging.

April, 2023

RIT scientists aim to understand the history of light production in the universe through the CIBER-2 experiment

Could a Rogue Planet Destroy the Earth?

March, 2023

RIT acquires equipment from Vanguard Automation to advance photonics packaging research and development

February, 2023

Expanding RIT’s research footprint

January, 2023

Challenging Past Assumptions: Light From Outside Our Galaxy Much Brighter Than Expected


December, 2022

Brighter Light Observed Outside the Milky Way Galaxy

New study confirms the light from outside our galaxy brighter than expected

RIT researchers receive NSF funding to further develop infrared detectors for astrophysics

November, 2022

RIT astrophysicists leverage cancer center to damage single-photon CMOS detectors for future space missions

August, 2022

RIT student Lazar Buntic awarded NASA FINESST graduate student fellowship

June, 2022

Electrical engineering student finds success across campuses

May, 2022

RIT offers new minor in emerging field of quantum information science and technology

RIT and SPIE to host Photonics for Quantum event June 6-9

March, 2022

RIT professor Stefan Prebble, "RIT researchers contribute integrated photonics technology to develop new point-of-care system for diagnosing coronavirus"

Center for Detectors Director, Don Figer, The James Webb Space Telescope and the Role of Technology in Astrophysics

Mike Zemcov is featured in: "The universe’s background starlight is twice as bright as expected" in Science News article

January, 2022

Center for Detectors Director, Don Figer, Talks to Channel 8 TV about his contributions to JWST

RIT scientists are working to find a definitive answer to how many stars exist in the universe


December, 2021

Multiple RIT scientists contribute to the newest space telescope

RIT poised to contribute to NASA’s next great observatory following release of decadal survey

October, 2021

RIT, photonic company build quantum chip prototype to bridge quantum and traditional network bands

August, 2021

Industry-Academia Partnerships Exceed the Sum of Their Parts

July, 2021

Student team designs imaging system for CIBER-2 launches

June, 2021

CIBER-2 Experiment Successfully Completes First Flight
Rocket Team to Discern if Our Star Count Should Go Way Up
NASA-Funded CIBER-2 Sounding Rocket Identifies the Complete Count of Stars, Expected to Increase

May, 2021

Astrophysics Ph.D. students Emily Wilson and Teresa Symons win honor
Gigajot Unveils World's First Commercially Available Quanta Image Sensors

April, 2021

Astronomy Magazine: The Galaxy's Marvelous Rogues and Misfits, Stars Unleashed

January, 2021

VIDEO: Don Figer "Technology Development and the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics"
IRSIG Newsletter Jan 2021: A Single Photon Counting and Photon Number Resolving Detector for NASA Missions
RIT's Michael Zemcov helping to push new NASA space telescope toward launch


December, 2020

Scientists Discover Outer Space Isn't Pitch-Black After All

News Articles
Scientists Discover Outer Space Isn't Pitch-Black After All
Outer Space Just Got a Little Brighter

November, 2020

OSA Rochester Speaker Series: Don Figer- "Astrophysics Nobel Prizes and Instrumentation"
Rethinking black holes: New theory says that something that goes into one won't be gone for good

October, 2020

L3Harris becomes industry partner for RIT's Future Photon Initiative
Super-massive black hole discovery brings home the Nobel Prize in physics, and an RIT professor helped
Figer publishes article in journal

August, 2020

RIT student Justin Gallagher helps lead NASA-funded project to build single photon detectors
RIT faculty gearing up to apply spring learnings to fall classes

June, 2020

RIT launching virtual speaker series featuring global leaders in quantum and photonics

May, 2020

Zemcov joins NASA mission

March, 2020

Making a quantum leap
RIT to host workshop exploring the intersection of photonics and quantum technology

January, 2020

RIT professor Zoran Ninkov tapped to support NSF as a program director


November, 2019

Researchers prepare rocket for launch

October, 2019

New tech at RIT may help find other planets

September, 2019

Scientists developing single photon detector to help search for habitable exoplanets

August, 2019

RIT researchers help develop practical new method for measuring quantum entanglement

RIT researchers help develop practical new method for measuring quantum entanglement
A practical method to measure quantum entanglement

RIT awarded NSF funding to conceptualize Quantum Photonic Institute
Press Release
RIT awarded NSF funding to conceptualize Quantum Photonic Institute
RIT Recieves New Funding to Support Quantum Photonic Institute
Morelle announces $150k in funding for RIT quantum photonics
Business Report: RIT coming up with a plan that would help make faster computers

April, 2019

Podcast: Intersections: The RIT Podcast Ep. 18 How to Build a Career in Science
RIT researchers help conduct experiment to study how the first stars and galaxies formed

February, 2019

RIT faculty part of NASA's $242 million SPHEREx mission: Michael Zemcov on the team that will explore the origins of the universe, galaxies and water in planetary systems

Press Release
RIT faculty part of NASA's $242 million SPHEREx mission
NASA Selects New Mission to Explore Origins of Universe

News Articles
CNN: NASA's newest mission will study the origins of the universe NASA Will Launch a New Space Telescope in 2023 to Investigate the Universe
Rochester Business Journal: RIT professor participates in project aimed at universe's origins NASA Selects New Mission to Ex-plore Origins of the Universe

Rochester First: RIT professor will be part of NASA team for SPHEREx

January, 2019

Business Report: RIT quantum workshop preview;MCC touts success of tech degrees


Decemmber, 2018

Media invited to open meeting on the future of quantum technology held at RIT Jan. 23-25
RIT hosts quantum workshop Jan. 23-25

September, 2018

Dr. Philip Lubin Visits RIT
Colloquium Video

August, 2018

NSF Awards $1.2M to Rochester Institute of Technology, University of California-San Diego, University of Delaware to Leverage AIM Photonics' World-Class R&D and Foundry Capabilities

Press Release
RIT awarded National Science Foundation grant to advance high tech computer architectures as part of AIM Photonics initiative
SUNY Polytech Institute: NSF Awards $1.2M to Rochester Institute of Technology, University of California-San Diego, University of Delaware to Leverage AIM Photonics' World-Class R&D and Foundry Capabilities
AIM Photonics: NSF Awards $1.2M to Rochester Institute of Technology, University of California-San Diego, University of Delaware to Leverage AIM Photonics' World-Class R&D and Foundry Capabilities

News Articles
Photonics Media: NSF Awards $1.2M to AIM Photonics' Partner Institutions

May, 2018

RIT faculty wins National Science Foundation CAREER Award for research on novel ultraviolet photonics technology
Ask Astro: Dr. Don Figer featured in Astronomy magazine

March, 2018

RIT scientist modifies digital cinema technology for future space missions
CfD Director Comments on Chinese space station headed toward earth
OSA Rochester Open House at RIT features Future Photon Initiatve and Center for Detectors Lab Tours
RIT researchers improve fabrication process of nano-structures for electronic devices
Newer Horizons: Scientists Pitch Pluto Probe as a Unique Deep-Space Telescope
CfD Director in Article on the James Webb Space Telescope

February, 2018

Dr. Michael Zemcov to lecture at Dark Matter Summer School in Albany

January, 2018

Chi Nguyen wins one of six Chambliss Student Poster Awards for AAS 231
The universe could be full of more huge stars than we thought


October, 2017

AIM-ing up: Student-researchers help build the photonics ecosystem

September, 2017

The Galactic Center's Mysterious Quintuplet Stars Unmasked

August, 2017

Nobody knows how these baby stars got so close to our black hole
Proposed astrophysics mission to conduct the first infrared spectral survey of the entire sky
RIT astrophysics Ph.D. student wins competitive NASA fellowship
Sensing technology takes a quantum leap with RIT photonics research
Press Release
Sensing technology takes a quantum leap with RIT photonics research

News Articles
Rochester Business Journal: RIT researcher receives grant from U.S. Navy Sensing Technology Takes a Quantum Leap With RIT Photonics Research
Nanotechnology Now: Sensing technology takes a quantum leap with RIT photonics research: Office of Naval Research funds levitated optomechanics project

May, 2017

CfD Student Dmitry Vorobiev Publishes PhD Thesis
CfD Director Don Figer to teach course at University of Toronto's Dunlap Institute Summer School
NASA astronaut photography gets big boost from RIT students and faculty

April, 2017

CfD faculty provide introductory and advanced educational modules for workforce development with AIM Photonics Academy.
RIT scientist measures brightness of the universe with NASA's New Horizons spacecraft
Press Release
Planetary mission offers up-close view of Cosmic Optical Background

News Articles NASA's New Horizons Surprises With Whole New View Of Cosmos RIT alumnus wins national award for undergraduate physics research Ryan Scott '16 recognized for developing an experiment for RIT's quantum mechanics lab

March, 2017

FPI Partner, Precision Optical Transceivers will Expand Operations Into Eastman Business Park
RIT helps advance space camera being tested on ISS Imaging technology could improve search for distant planets

January, 2017

Center for Detectors Director speaks at RIT West Networking Event


November, 2016

Center for Detectors featured in Manufacturing Innovations at RIT video

September, 2016

Students Build CSTARS
Center for Detectors is featured on RIT Greatness video

August, 2016

Engineering Undergrads Reach for the Stars with NASA Funded Project
RIT undergraduates build star-tracking instrument for NASA research rockets Experiment tests new detector technology operable at cryogenic temperatures

May, 2016

A recent publication co-authored by Dr. Mohseni, titled "Evolution of GaAs Nanowire Geometry by Selective Area Epitaxy", is chosen as a recent favorite by Applied Physics Letters Associate Editor, Prof. Kei May Lau

Dr. Mohseni gives an invited talk at the 39th IEEE EDS-Photonics Western NY Conference
Future Photon Initiative Feature Article in RIT Research Magazine

April, 2016

Technology for Starshot program could be developed in Rochester

February, 2016

CfD Part of the Future Photon Initiative


November, 2015

CfD Wins NSF Funding to Develop Next Generation Infrared Detectors

October, 2015

CfD Welcomes New Faculty Member Parsian Mohseni
CfD Alumni are featured in the Winter 2015-2016 issue of University Magazine

September, 2015

CfD is featured in RIT's University News Campus Spotlight

August, 2015

CfD Faculty Member Stefan Preble's work is featured in the cover article of the September issue of Rochester Engineering Society magazine

July, 2015

CfD Faculty Member Michael Zemcov Part of Team Chosen to Develop Space Mission to Study Neutron Stars, Black Holes and More
CfD Welcomes New Faculty Member Jing Zhang
CfD Welcomes New Faculty Member Stefan Preble and His Nanophotonics Group
CfD to be part of New Rochester-based Photonics Center

June, 2015

CfD Welcomes New Faculty Member Michael Zemcov

May, 2015

RIT Convocation Speaker, NASA Administrator Maj. Gen. Charles F. Bolden Jr., Visits CfD

April, 2015

CfD Director Gives Invited Presentation at the Hartford Club
CfD Director's image of the Pistol Star featured in Jersey Post Stamps commemorating 25 years of the Hubble Space Telescope RIT News Jersey Post
NASA Astronaut Dr. Donald Pettit Visits CfD Facebook Flickr RIT News

March, 2015

CfD Student Kim Kolb Defends PhD Thesis
CfD Hosts Sloane Wiktorowicz's presentation "Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres through Our Own"Announcement Video

February, 2015

CfD Hosts Michael Zemcov's presentation "Mapping the Large Scale Structure of the Cosmos from the Big Bang to the Present"Announcement Video
CfD Hosts Roger O'Brient's presentation "Moore's Law and Astrophysics: Detectors that Teach Us About Physics Beyond the Standard Model"Announcement Video


September, 2014

CfD Annual Report 2014

August, 2014

CfD Director appears on Connections: Science Roundtable with Evan Dawson on WXXI AM 1370 News

April, 2014

CfD Hosts Minh Nguyen's presentation "Nanoscale Semiconductor Hybrids: Fundamental Physics and Advanced Devices"

February, 2014

Infrared Detector Technology at RIT's Center for Detectors


November, 2013

CfD Shedding light on Earth-like planets

October, 2013

CfD Graduate Student Kimberly Kolb Studies Tiny Details of Vast Universe

September, 2013

CfD Annual Report 2013

April, 2013

CfD Ph.D. Gives Christine Trombley Momentum
CfD Hosts Christoph Baranec's Presention "Rayleigh Laser Guide Stars Pioneering the Next Decade of Astronomical Adaptive Optics" PDF
CfD Executive Assistant Allison Conte Helps Brand The Research Center

March, 2013

CfD Ph.D. Student Christine Trombley wins the NASA/Cornell University Graduate Research Fellowship in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

January, 2013

NASA Awards CfD $1.1 million (RBJ Article)


September, 2012

CfD Annual Report 2012

July, 2012

CfD Leads Development of Next-generation Infrared Detectors
Detector Virtual Workshop: Hooman Mohseni presents "Nano-injection Detectors and Imagers" on 7/13/2012 at RIT

June, 2012

Secret Spy Telescopes Made in Rochester Video
CfD Student Brian Glod Completes Master's Degree
CfD Administrative Assistant Adena Thomson Thrives at RIT
Detector Virtual Workshop: Jim Bangs presents on Single and Dual Band HgCdTe Detectors on 6/4/2012 at RIT

May, 2012

Detector Virtual Workshop: Sanjay Krishna presents "The Infrared Retina: Ushering in the Fourth Generation of Infrared Detectors" on 5/14/2012

April, 2012

Detector Virtual Workshop: Michael Krainak presents "Candidate detectors for space-qualified time-resolved photon counting" on 4/23/2012

March, 2012

Detector Virtual Workshop: Jim Beletic presents "The Fantastical Discoveries of Astronomy made possible by the Wonderful Properties of II-VI Materials" on 3/26/2012 at RIT
Detector Virtual Workshop: Mark Itzler presents "Photon Counting with InGaAsP Single Photon Avalanche Diodes" on 3/12/2012 at RIT

February, 2012

Detector Virtual Workshop: Kieran O'Brien presents "MKIDs" on 2/27/2012 at RIT
Detector Virtual Workshop: Bernard Rauscher presents "Reducing Read Noise of JWST Detectors" on 2/6/2012


December, 2011

Detector Virtual Workshop: Craig Mackay presents "EMCCDs" on 12/5/2011

November, 2011

Detector Virtual Workshop: Alan Migdall presents "Quantum Communication Detectors" on 11/28/2011 at RIT
Detector Virtual Workshop: Karl Berggren presents "Superconducting Single Photon Detectors" on 11/14/11 at RIT
Jon Morse presents "Frontiers in Astrophysics and the Federal Budget Landscape" Announcement Adobe Connect Video PDF
Mysterious Absorption Lines Could Illuminate 90-year Puzzle

October, 2011

Bahram Mobasher presents "Future Big Telescopes"
Detector Virtual Workshop: Andy Shearer presents "High Time Resolution Astrophysics"
CfD Annual Report 2011
Hans Zinnecker presents "SOFIA Infrared Observatory and its recent results"

September, 2011

CfD Initiates Detector Virtual Workshop speaker series
CfD Graduate Student Christine Trombley Wins Prestigious NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program Fellowship
Detector Virtual Workshop: Dr. Robert Hadfield presents "Infrared Superconducting Single Photon Detectors" Announcement Video
CfD Student Member Adena Thomson wins Accounting Scholarship

August, 2011

CfD Director Invited to Speak at Central Kiloparsec in Galactic Nuclei Conference Powerpoint
CfD Director Invited to Speak at Single Photon Imaging Conference Powerpoint PDF
CfD Director Invited to Speak at Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets Conference Powerpoint PDF

July, 2011

CfD Graduate Student Kimberly Kolb Completes M.S. Thesis

June, 2011

CfD Director Invited to Speak at Single Photon Workshop 2011 Adobe Connect Video

May, 2011

Donald Hall Presents at Center for Detectors Announcement Adobe Connect Video Quicktime File

April, 2011

Center for Detectors Featured in Rochester Business Journal

March, 2011

School of Design collaborates with RIDL

February, 2011

Center for Detectors is Established
CfD Student Chris Maloney Reports on FiOS Conference

2010 and earlier

December, 2010

Chris Packham Presents at Center for Detectors Announcement Powerpoint Quicktime File Adobe Connect Video RIDL Director Invited to Speak at NASA/JPL

October, 2010

Joss Hawthorn Presents at Center for Detectors Announcement Quicktime File

June, 2010

RIDL Presents at SPIE, San Diego, CA
Kolb et al., Hybridization of a sigma-delta-based CMOS hybrid detector
PDF Powerpoint

Hanold et al., Characterization of a sigma-delta-based Monolithic CMOS Detector
PDF Powerpoint

May, 2010

RIDL Director Invited to Give NRO Technology Seminar

February, 2010

RIDL Selected by NASA to Develop Photon Counting Imaging Detectors for Space Exoplanet Finding Missions

January, 2010

RIDL Director Invited to Speak at Keck Institute for Space Studies, Caltech (PDF) (VIDEO)

October, 2009

RIDL Director Invited to Speak at AstroMed09, Sydney, Australia
RIDL Director Invited to Speak at Detectors for Astronomy 2009, Munich, Germany

September, 2009

Youtube Video of RIDL on The History Channel (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
RIDL Student Kim Kolb Awarded Prestigious BAE Fellowship (Photo and caption)
RIDL Featured on Rochester CBS/Fox News Channel 8 and 31 (video)

July, 2009

A Day in the Life of the RIDL Director in Astronomy Magazine RIDL to be Featured on History Channel

May, 2009

RIDL Featured in RIT Research Magazine
Bruce Tromberg Presents at Center for Detectors MP4 File Adobe Connect Video

March, 2009

RIDL Hosts Quantum Limited Detector Workshop

Press Release
RIT Presents: The Next Generation of Imaging Detectors
Workshop Web Site

October, 2008

Moore Foundation Awards RIDL $2.8 Million to Develop Noiseless Detector

Press Release
Moore Foundation Awards RIT Scientist $2.8 Million to Develop Noiseless Detector

News Articles
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Laser Focus World Shouleh Nikzad Presents at Center for Detectors Announcement WMV File Michael Hoenk Presents at Center for Detectors Announcement WMV File

April 2008

RIDL Receives NASA Planetary and Earth Sciences Detector Development Grant

Press Release
LIDAR Imaging Detector Could Build Super Road Maps of Planets and Moons

News Articles
Channel 10 News Video
MIT Technology Review
Astrobiology Magazine
United Press International
Popular Science
Universe Today
Science Daily
The Times of India
RIT University News
Bedabrata Pain Presents at Center for Detectors WMV File

August 2007

RIDL Receives NASA Planetary Science Detector Development Grant

Press Release
New Imaging Detectors Could Take Snapshots from Deep Space

News Articles
MSNBC: New Cameras Can Withstand Space Radiation Tougher cameras Designed to Withstand Space Radiation Detector Resists Radiation

May 2007

RIDL Selected by NASA to Develop New Deep Space Detectors

March 2007

RIDL Achieves First Light with 4Kx4K SiPIN Detector

October 2006

RIDL Chosen to Lead the LSST Guider Project
RIDL Chosen to Perform SNAP Prototype Detector Testing

February 2006

RIDL Director Receives NYSTAR Faculty Development Award (page 7) Figer Massive Stars Group News