Center for Detectors

The Center for Detectors designs, develops, and implements detectors to enable scientific discoveries.

The CfD educates and trains students through research and development in detectors, instrumentation, observational astrophysics, nanostructures, silicon photonics, quantum optics and photonics, and wide bandgap materials. The CfD was established in 2010, and includes seven professors and over two dozen students at all levels of matriculation. Staff and student researchers investigate high impact engineering and development problems through external financial support from federal agencies, private foundations, national laboratories, and industry. The CfD operates nine laboratories in three buildings and has an average of 32 externally funded projects (~$6M/year).

Student Positions

Student involvement is central to all CfD projects. To obtain a PhD degree with us, apply to Astrophysical Sciences and Technology, Microsystems Engineering, or Physics. To obtain an MS degree with us, contact