SDMS Domain Validation (DV) Service Module for Windows NTThis document provides information about installing this service module and includes these topics: The Domain Validation Service Module for Windows NT is a companion product to the NT Configuration Utility. Its purpose is to monitor I/O activity on domain validation enabled host adapters. It alerts the user when the number of errors during a polling cycle may warrant the re-execution of domain validation tests. Once installed and started, it runs in the background and polls the SYM_U3.SYS miniport driver for error information on a preset time schedule. Installing the DV Service Module To install the DV Service Module on an x86 platform, you must have Administrator privileges. As Administrator, follow these steps:
At this point, the service module is installed and running. Unless the preset error limit is exceeded during a polling period, this service remains running in the background. If exceeded, this service displays a message box suggesting that the user run the Domain Validation tests again on the stated adapter and its connected devices. Note: The error counts are cleared whenever the driver is polled. If multiple messages are displayed on a single adapter, errors are continuing to occur in subsequent polling periods. Stopping the DV Service Module To stop this service module, access the Services applet again. Follow the menu path: Start-->Control Panel-->Services. Locate the DV Service Module and click on the Stop button. WINDOWS NT IS A REGISTERED