This is a windows library. Using SLAN-Library (Slan.dll), user can develop custom applications for serial communication over TCP/IP, which can transfer data & monitor serial line's parameters. UdpModeApp ---------------------- This is a sample application for the device configured in UDP mode, which uses the Slan Library to communicate with the network serial port. 1. This application takes the Server IP address, Server UDP port number where the application is running & Remote IP address and remote port number of the network serial port. 2. Clicking on the "Start" will start this application. 3. Any data typed on the network serial port should reach this application. 4. Any data typed on this application also reach the network serial port. 5. Clicking on the Stop button will stop this application. 6. This application will send and receive the data to the Specified remote IP and port number only. Note: Network serial ports settings ( Operating mode, Baud, Data, parity, stop etc ) can be configured with Serial Console (or) Custom Telnet (Or) Slan Windows Utility. TcpServModeApp ---------------------- This is a sample application, which uses the Slan Library to communicate with the network serial port. 1. This application takes the IP address & the TCP port number of the network serial port. 2. Clicking on the "Open" will establish a connection with the network serial port. 3. Any data typed on the application should reach the network serial port. 4. Application also receives the data comming from the network serial port. 5. Open multiple instances of this application and enter same IP & same port number. Any activity on the network serial port should appear on all the running instances of the applications. 6. This application monitors and displays the changes in the Modem Status & Line Status of the network serial port. 7. Clicking on the close button will close the connections with the network serial port. Note: Network serial ports settings ( Operating mode, Baud, Data, parity, stop etc ) can be configured with Serial Console (or) Custom Telnet (Or) Slan Windows Utility. TcpClientModeApp ---------------------- This is a sample application for device configured in TCP Client Mode, which uses the Slan Library to communicate with the network serial port. 1. This application takes the IP address & the TCP port number of the local machine to run the server. 2. Clicking on the "Start" will start the server. 3. Now configure the device in TCP client mode for required ports through Web Console (or) Telnet Console (or) SunWindows Utility and restart to apply the settings. 5. After device is up, reset the device once so that the clients establish the connection with running server application on Local Machine. 6. Any data typed on the application(server) should reach all the network serial ports(which are in client mode). 7. Application also receives the data comming from any network serial port(client). The format of data received from any client will be Eg. [ : 1208]- A QUICK BROWN [ : 1208]- FOX JUMPS OVER A [ : 1208]- LAZY DOG. : xxxx IP and Port number of the connected client. 8. Clicking on the Stop button will stop the server and closes the connection with all clients. Note: Network serial ports settings ( Operating mode, Baud, Data, parity, stop etc ) can be configured with Serial Console (or) Custom Telnet (Or) Slan Windows Utility.