1. Installation The Windows SETUP utility will install the optional windows 32-bit disk access device driver(I91CTRL.386) and Initio ASPI for Windows device driver (WINASPI.DLL). 2. 32-Bit Disk Access Driver - 32-Bit disk access driver works under Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. - 32-Bit disk access driver requires the DOS ASPI (ASPI910U.SYS) to be properly loaded. - If you can not run Windows after installing the Initio 32-Bit disk access device driver, use the following command line to temporarily disable the 32-Bit disk access driver: win /d:f [ENTER] - To permanently disable 32-Bit Disk Access, remove the following lines from the [386Enh] section in the SYSTEM.INI file, using an appropriate text editor: DEVICE=INT13.386 DEVICE=I91CTRL.386 3. ASPI for Windows - Initio Windows ASPI Driver (WINASPI.DLL) requires the DOS ASPI Driver (ASPI910U.SYS) and 32-Bit disk access driver to be loaded and functioning properly. - Initio Windows ASPI Driver only functions under Windows Enchanced mode.