***************************************************************************** FcFlash.TXT ***************************************************************************** This document provides the information required to update the FC Firmware and the FC Intel BIOS for the LSIFC909 chip and LSI40909 Host Adapter. This text file is divided into these sections: FcProm Utility Description Updating only the Firmware Updating only the BIOS Updating both Firmware and the BIOS Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 1.0 FcProm Utility Description The FcProm utility is used to update the LSI Logic FC Firmware and Intel BIOS on a LSIFC909 Fibre Channel chip, or LSI40909 Host Adapter. The utility is labeled FcProm.exe and is located on your LSI Logic FC Firmware diskette, and also on the Intel BIOS diskette. ............................................................................. 2.0 Updating the Adapter Firmware To update only the LSIFC909 firmware, complete the following steps: 1. Insure that the LSI40909 Host Adapter is properly installed in the system PCI slot. 2. Insert the LSI FC Firmware diskette into drive A:, and Boot the system to the DOS prompt a:\>. 3. FcProm can be executed directly from the DOS command line: a: fcprom -ffc909.rom 4. The FcProm utility will ask for a Host Adapter board to be selected, if more than one board is present in the system. LSI40909 boards may be differen- tiated from other boards using the PCI Vendor ID (1000h) and PCI Device ID (0621h). Select the board that requires the update. 5. The update process requires about 20-30 seconds. FcProm will return to the the DOS prompt when the update is complete. ............................................................................. 3.0 Updating the Adapter BIOS To update only the LSIFC909 Intel BIOS, complete the following steps: 1. Insure that the LSI40909 Host Adapter is properly installed in the system PCI slot. 2. Insert the LSI FC Firmware diskette into drive A:, and Boot the system to the DOS prompt a:\>. 3. FcProm can be executed directly from the DOS command line: a: fcprom -bmptbios.rom 4. The FcProm utility will ask for a Host Adapter board to be selected, if more than one board is present in the system. LSI40909 boards may be differen- tiated from other boards using the PCI Vendor ID (1000h) and PCI Device ID (0621h). Select the board that requires the update. 5. The update process requires about 15-20 seconds. FcProm will return to the the DOS prompt when the update is complete. ............................................................................. 4.0 Updating both Firmware and the BIOS To update both the LSIFC909 Firmware and Intel BIOS, complete the following steps: 1. Insure that the LSI40909 Host Adapter is properly installed in the system PCI slot. 2. Insert the LSI FC Firmware diskette into drive A:, and Boot the system to the DOS prompt a:\>. 3. FcProm can be executed directly from the DOS command line: a: fcprom -d -bmptbios.rom -ffc909.rom 4. The FcProm utility will ask for a Host Adapter board to be selected, if more than one board is present in the system. LSI40909 boards may be differen- tiated from other boards using the PCI Vendor ID (1000h) and PCI Device ID (0621h). Select the board that requires the update. 5. The update process requires about 45-60 seconds. FcProm will return to the the DOS prompt when the update is complete. ............................................................................. 5.0 Troubleshooting NOTE: The Firmware and BIOS revisions typically need to be in sync, for proper operation. Check with LSI Customer Support to make sure that the Firmware is the correct version to use with your BIOS. If the Firmware revision is not in sync with the BIOS revision, system failures my occur. o How do you identify the version number of the Firmware or Intel BIOS? There is a unix-compatible what.exe program for DOS included on the diskette that can be used to identify the rom files on the diskette(s). Examples: what *.* what *.* nt/*.* 0 Many types of errors will be reported through the LED on the LSI40909 board. When these errors occur, the LED will flash a four digit sequence, which is the error code. These types of errors should be reported to LSI Logic Support. LSI will ask for additional system configuration information, including the type of system used, the FC configuration and type of peripherals (including version numbers) and the sequence of events when the error occurred.