Altera SOPC Builder Version 7.20 Build 203 Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. # 2008.03.05 15:12:25 (*) mk_custom_sdk starting # 2008.03.05 15:12:25 (*) Reading project D:/NIOS_II/DE3/DE3_SDCARD/DE3_SOPC.ptf. # 2008.03.05 15:12:25 (*) Finding all CPUs # 2008.03.05 15:12:25 (*) Finding all available components # 2008.03.05 15:12:25 (*) Reading D:/NIOS_II/DE3/DE3_SDCARD/.sopc_builder/install.ptf # 2008.03.05 15:12:25 (*) Found 82 components # 2008.03.05 15:12:26 (*) Finding all peripherals # 2008.03.05 15:12:26 (*) Finding software components # 2008.03.05 15:12:26 (*) (Legacy SDK Generation Skipped) # 2008.03.05 15:12:26 (*) (All TCL Script Generation Skipped) # 2008.03.05 15:12:26 (*) (No Libraries Built) # 2008.03.05 15:12:26 (*) (Contents Generation Skipped) # 2008.03.05 15:12:26 (*) mk_custom_sdk finishing # 2008.03.05 15:12:26 (*) Starting generation for system: DE3_SOPC. . . . . . . .... . . # 2008.03.05 15:12:28 (*) Running Generator Program for cpu # 2008.03.05 15:12:29 (*) Checking for plaintext license. # 2008.03.05 15:12:30 (*) Plaintext license not found. # 2008.03.05 15:12:30 (*) Checking for encrypted license (non-evaluation). # 2008.03.05 15:12:30 (*) Encrypted license found. SOF will not be time-limited. # 2008.03.05 15:12:39 (*) Creating encrypted HDL # 2008.03.05 15:12:42 (*) Running Generator Program for jtag_uart # 2008.03.05 15:12:44 (*) Running Generator Program for onchip_mem # 2008.03.05 15:12:46 (*) Running Generator Program for sysid # 2008.03.05 15:12:47 (*) Running Generator Program for timer # 2008.03.05 15:12:48 (*) Running Generator Program for pio_led # 2008.03.05 15:12:49 (*) Running Generator Program for pio_button # 2008.03.05 15:12:50 (*) Running Generator Program for sd_clk # 2008.03.05 15:12:51 (*) Running Generator Program for sd_cmd # 2008.03.05 15:12:52 (*) Running Generator Program for sd_dat # 2008.03.05 15:12:53 (*) Running Generator Program for pll # 2008.03.05 15:12:58 (*) Running Generator Program for clock_0 # 2008.03.05 15:12:59 (*) Making arbitration and system (top) modules. # 2008.03.05 15:13:07 (*) Generating Quartus symbol for top level: DE3_SOPC # 2008.03.05 15:13:07 (*) Generating Symbol D:/NIOS_II/DE3/DE3_SDCARD/DE3_SOPC.bsf # 2008.03.05 15:13:07 (*) Creating command-line system-generation script: D:/NIOS_II/DE3/DE3_SDCARD/DE3_SOPC_generation_script # 2008.03.05 15:13:07 (*) Running setup for HDL simulator: modelsim # 2008.03.05 15:13:07 (*) Setting up Quartus with DE3_SOPC_setup_quartus.tcl c:/altera/72/quartus/bin/quartus_sh -t DE3_SOPC_setup_quartus.tcl Info: ******************************************************************* Info: Running Quartus II Shell Info: Version 7.2 Build 203 02/05/2008 Service Pack 2 SJ Full Version Info: Copyright (C) 1991-2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Info: Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions Info: and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject Info: to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Info: Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Info: Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, Info: without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of Info: programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Info: Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the Info: applicable agreement for further details. Info: Processing started: Wed Mar 05 15:13:07 2008 Info: Command: quartus_sh -t DE3_SOPC_setup_quartus.tcl Info: Evaluation of Tcl script DE3_SOPC_setup_quartus.tcl was successful Info: Quartus II Shell was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings Info: Allocated 46 megabytes of memory during processing Info: Processing ended: Wed Mar 05 15:13:07 2008 Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:00 # 2008.03.05 15:13:08 (*) Completed generation for system: DE3_SOPC. # 2008.03.05 15:13:08 (*) THE FOLLOWING SYSTEM ITEMS HAVE BEEN GENERATED: SOPC Builder database : D:/NIOS_II/DE3/DE3_SDCARD/DE3_SOPC.ptf System HDL Model : D:/NIOS_II/DE3/DE3_SDCARD/DE3_SOPC.v System Generation Script : D:/NIOS_II/DE3/DE3_SDCARD/DE3_SOPC_generation_script # 2008.03.05 15:13:08 (*) SUCCESS: SYSTEM GENERATION COMPLETED. Press 'Exit' to exit.