ADAPTIVE OPTICS PAL CHANGES New PALs have been developed for adaptive optics work. They are also fully compatible with normal imaging work. They are Rev. 4.1, and are contained in file timFOU17R41.jed and timFOU12R41.jed. They are described as follows - Fiber optic timing board PAL U17 - pin #4 = FD15 = forced data bit 15 pin #7 = FMODE = forced data mode pin #32 = WW = word width, either 16- or 32-bits If FMODE = 1 and WW = 1 then we're in forced data mode, and D15 (out) = FD15 D0-D14 (out) = D0-D14 (in) and if D15 (in) = 1 then D0-D14 (out) = 1 If FMODE = 0 and WW = 1 we're in normal image mode, and D0-D15 (out) = D0-D15 (in) If WW = 0 then we're in 32-bit command and reply mode, and D0-D23 (out) = D0-D23 (in) Summary of signal definitions - If WW = 0 serial data word width is 32-bits if WW = 1 serial data word width is 16-bits If FMODE = 0 all serial data follows the input pins D0-D23 IF FMODE = 1 and WW = 1 serial data bit D15 is forced to FD15 and if input data D15 = 1 then all serial data bits D0 to D14 are set to 1 and serial data bit D15 is still forced to FD15 FD15 is the data value the serial data word bit D15 will be assigned to if FMODE = 1 and WW = 1 Sample DSP code for using this capability is shown for the RDCCD routine - ; Set the frame sync high at the beginning of the frame readout BSET #FD15,X:PBD ; Force D15 = 1 MOVEP X:ONE,Y:WRFO ; Transmit D0 = 1 to fiber optic BCLR #FD15,X:PBD ; Force D15 = 1 ......Then there is readout code for one frame....... ; Clear the frame sync at the end of the frame readout REP #20 ; Wait for the last pixel transmission NOP BSET #FD15,X:PBD ; Force D15 = 1 MOVEP X:ZERO,Y:WRFO ; Transmit D0 = 0 to fiber optic BCLR #FD15,X:PBD ; Force D15 = 0 REP #10 ; Wait for the last pixel transmission NOP